Maynooth University (MU), is pleased to announced that it has signed a licensing agreement with Hexafly Biotech, an Irish company pioneering the use of insects and insect based products for inclusion in feeds and as plant nutrients. Hexafly Biotech cultures black soldier flies (Hermetic illucens) and derives a number of products from these with a variety of actual and potential applications. Larvae are cultured, dried and ground to yield a meal (Hexameal) which can be used as a food additive, oil can be extracted from larvae and used as a chemical starting material and the waste product of insects (Hexafrass) can be collected and used as a soil enhancer.
Hexafly Biotech signed the licence agreement with Maynooth University (Professor Kevin Kavanagh) to collaborate and commercialise the outputs of an SSPC – funded project to develop novel applications of Hexafrass. The application of Hexafrass to soil leads to a significant reduction in the reproduction of Barley aphids (greenflies) on cereal plants. Barley aphids are a major pest of cereal plants and are difficult to control with chemical insecticides. This discovery creates the possibility of controlling aphid populations using Hexafrass with a highly effective and environmentally sustainable treatment for use in horticulture and agriculture. Hexafly outputs supports sustainability and something that has low impact on the environtment, this in turn offers healthier options for the consumer.
Alvan Hunt, CEO & Co-Founder, Hexafly, said:
“SSPC funding and collaboration with Maynooth University has allowed us to co develop novel applications for our products that will have commercial value in the coming months and years. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Maynooth university as we continue to advance our R&D program and bring more discoveries to market.”