Our People

Dr. Ioscani Jiménez del Val
Funded Investigator Manufacturing
Ioscani studied Chemical Engineering at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) before obtaining his MSc in Advanced Chemical Engineering with Biotechnology (2008) and PhD (2013) from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London. After Post-Doctoral work with Dr Cleo Kontoravdi and Dr Karen Polizzi at Imperial College, Ioscani joined UCD’s School of Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering as Assistant Professor in Bioprocess Engineering in 2014.
Ioscani’s area of expertise lies in integrating advanced experimental strategies (e.g. synthetic biology tools) with mechanistic computational modelling to optimise the quality and yield of mammalian cell-produced biopharmaceuticals, such as monoclonal antibodies. Ioscani also leads projects on flux balance modelling of CHO cells and developing computational models for next generation integrated pharmaceutical bioprocesses.
In 2019, Ioscani joined the SSPC as a Funded Investigator, where he will continue to work on developing and optimising advanced biopharmaceutical manufacturing platforms.
- Biopharmaceutical Quality by Design
- Therapeutic protein glycosylation
- Integrated continuous bioprocessing
- Synthetic Biology
- Systems Biology
- Dynamic modelling, control & optimisation