Our People

Dr. Peter McLoughlin
Funded Investigator Medicine
I have been involved with SSPC as a Funded Investigator since its inception. My research is composed of both formulation/drug delivery and the development of high value added products from natural sources. A key emphasis of my research has been engagement with pharmaceutical companies to support innovation. A number of successful research projects have been completed with industry partners with case studies available on www.pmbrc.org.
A large number of these projects involved synthesis and characterisation of pharmaceutical formulations incorporating polymeric components. I am the PI of the PMBRC, an Enterprise Ireland Technology Gateway and Head of the School of Science and Computing at WIT. To date I have supervised 22 PhD students to completion with research topics incorporating smart delivery systems and pharmaceutical processing.
- API excipient interactions
- Non-invasive drug delivery methods
- Pharmaceutical characterisation
- Molecular Imprinting
- Analytical Science
[1] Elsiddig R, Hughes H, Owens E, O’ Reilly N J, O’Grady D, McLoughlin P, “Kinetic and thermodynamic evaluation of phosphate ions binding onto sevelamer hydrochloride”, Int. J. of Pharmaceutics, 474, 25-32, (2014)
[2] Weiss C, McLoughlin P, and Cathcart H, “Characterisation of dry powder inhalation formulations using atomic force microscopy”, Int. J. of Pharmaceutics, 494, 393-407, (2015)
[3] Behl G.; Iqbal J.; O’Reilly N.; McLoughlin P.; Fitzhenry L T., Pharmaceutical Research, “Synthesis and characterization of poly(2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate) contact lenses containing chitosan nanoparticles as an ocular delivery system for dexamethasone sodium phosphate”, 33, 7, 1638-1648 (2016)
[4] Dillon C, Hughes H, O’Reilly N J, and McLoughlin P, Int. J. of Pharmaceutics, “Formulation and characterisation of dissolving microneedles for the transdermal delivery of therapeutic peptides”, 526, 1–2, 125–136, (2017)
[5] Weiss C., Mcloughlin P., Manesiotis P., Redington W., Cathcart H., “Preparation and Characterization of Beclomethasone Dipropionate Solvates”, Crystal Growth & Design, 18 (10), 5832-5844 (2018).