Our People

Prof. Donal O’Shea
Co-Principal Investigator & Molecule II Theme Leader
The central theme of my research lies in the advancement of new strategies for the synthesis and functional assessment of structurally complex molecules. Specific goals include the development of NIR fluorophores for fluorescence guided surgery, new light activated anti-cancer agents, and the generation of chemical tools to assist in gaining a molecular level insight into biological processes. My research has its foundations in organic chemistry and chemical biology with strong collaborative links with pharmacology, biological imaging and medicine.
-Cancer - Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences - Surgical Science and Practice Biomaterials - Chemical Biology - Colorectal Cancer - Diagnostic Imaging - Diagnostics - Drug delivery - Drug development - Drug resistance - Flow Chemistry - Fluorescence Guided Surgery - Medicinal Chemistry - Nanomedicine - Nanotoxicology - Drug Delivery - Near-infrared fluorochromes - Synthetic Chemistry