Our People

Prof. Kevin Kavanagh
Funded Investigator Molecule III
Kevin has research interests in fungal biology and in development of novel antimicrobial agents for use in the clinic. Expertise in areas such as in vivo antimicrobial toxicity and activity evaluation, in vitro susceptibility testing, proteomic response of pathogens to new therapies and HPLC analysis of secondary metabolite production by fungi.
Kevin has graduated 38 PhD students since appointment in 1995 and published over 170 peer reviewed papers. He had launched two spin out companies and actively collaborates with a number of major industries. Current projects involve optimising antimicrobial peptide production for clincial use and development of novel technologies for removal of biofilms in pharma industry.
- Label free proteomic
- Antimicrobial susceptibility testing
- In vivo toxicity evaluation
- HPLC analysis