SSPC’s Education and Public Engagement has a global reach of >5.6M people. Informed by research & in partnership with public...
Kate Tolan, Trinity College Dublin
I am a third year PhD student in the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Trinity College Dublin working under the...
Christina Abascal Ruiz, University College Dublin
I'm Cristina Abascal Ruiz, at University College Dublin and am currently immersed in my doctoral research, which focuses on the...
SSPC’s Harsh Barua industry placement at SK Biotek
I am a third-year PhD student at University of Limerick, under the supervision of Associate Professor Sarah Hudson and co-supervision of...
SSPC’s Marta Bergillos Ruiz industry placement at MSD Ballydine
I am a 3rd year PhD student supervised by Prof. Sarah Hudson, Dr Peter Davern and Prof. Åke Rasmuson at the University of Limerick. My...
SSPC Alumni: Dinesh Kumar, Asst. Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi
Meet SSPC alumni, Dinesh Kumar, Assistant Professor (Teaching & research), Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering & Technology,...
SSPC alumni: Claire Heffernan, AstraZeneca, UK
Claire Heffernan left for the UK after her PhD Viva in 2018 from SSPC at the University of Limerick. Fast forward five years and Claire is...
“eRaDicate” EU-project to research innovative ligands for nuclear receptors to eradicate cancer relapse
SSPC investigator Prof. Lidia Tajber, Associate Professor in Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology in the School of Pharmacy and...
Alex Gibney’s international secondment in Sweden
Alex Gibney, a PhD researchers at Dublin City University (DCU) went on an international secondment with Prof. Fredrik Westerlund,...