SSPC industry placement at APC Ltd., with Laura Foley UL
My name is Laura Foley, and I am a third year PhD student with SSPC at the University of Limerick, working under the supervision of...
SSPC welcome US delegates from NIIMBLE and Delaware
Top delegates from the prestigious institution The National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL) and John...
SSPC-Axelyf biotech collaboration launched to find drug delivery breakthroughs
Pictured: Dr Örn Almarsson (CEO & co-founder, Axelyf), Associate Professor Rob Elmes, Maynooth University and Jamie Guidera, Business...
M. Rosa Fernandez Pison, University College Dublin
I am Rosa Fernandez Pison, from Sevilla, in the south of Spain. I studied Chemistry at the University of Sevilla. I did my final year...
Kate Tolan, Trinity College Dublin
I am a third year PhD student in the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Trinity College Dublin working under the...
Christina Abascal Ruiz, University College Dublin
I'm Cristina Abascal Ruiz, at University College Dublin and am currently immersed in my doctoral research, which focuses on the...
Alexandra Taseva, Trinity College Dublin
Hello, my name is Alexandra Taseva. I am a final year PhD student in Trinity College Dublin. I work under the supervision of Prof. Deirdre...
Rachel O’Sullivan, University College Dublin
My name is Rachel O’Sullivan. I graduated with a BSc in Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology from University College Dublin in 2020. I...
SSPC 2023 Research Outputs
SSPC 2023 Research Outputs, bringing you the latest research news and project updates from experts in their fields. This output celebrates...