The Covid-19 pandemic has brought into focus the real challenges faced by our healthcare systems and societies and has heightened the urgency for innovative approaches to medicines development and supply. Crisis, such as the one we are living through, triggers innovation and we are currently witnessing an unprecedented pace of development in response to the virus.
In 2017 SSPC published a White Paper in collaboration with industry through BiopharmaChemical Ireland (BPCI), Science Foundation Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, IDA, National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training (NIBRT) and the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Technology Centre (PMTC).
The paper presents a strong case for the need to sustain and develop the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical manufacturing sector in Europe and the crucial role it plays in delivering timely and reliable access to safe, innovative, and cost effective medicines. Now more than ever we need to support and secure pharmaceutical manufacturing in Europe.
The pharmaceutical industry is facing a paradigm shift in how medicines are manufactured and must respond with the implementation of disruptive technologies to stay competitive and deliver effective results to patients. Research and development of new medicines and/or the reformulation of existing medicines as well as sustainable flexible manufacturing processes is now more than ever vital to protect the health and safety of citizens and enable economies to begin on the road to recovery.
SSPC, the SFI Research Centre for Pharmaceuticals is committed to the journey we started in 2017. We continue to support industry through the development of new talent, the advancement of knowledge and by bringing the community together to push the boundaries of innovation.
Link to White Paper here